Do = C
Today I saw the Announcement of Indonesia Mengajar Participants for this year.
Surprisingly, I know 3 names of them. Adi, Ims, and Ridho.
They all my great track record friends..
For all participants, I would like to give my big pride for your brave decision.
Hope you'll get amazing experiences in 1 year of servicing.
Viva Indonesia Mengajar!
You give me hope,
The strength, the will to keep on;
No one else can make me feel this way
And only you
Can bring out all the best I can do;
I believe you turn the tide
And make me feel real good inside.
You pushed me up
When I'm about to give up;
You're on my side when no one seems to listen
And if you go,
You know the tears can't help but show
You'll break this heart and tear it apart;
Then suddenly the madness starts
It's your smile,
Your face, your lips that I miss,
Those sweet little eyes that stare at me
And make me say,
I'm with you through all the way.
'Cause it's you
Who fills the emptiness in me;
It changes ev'rything, you see,
When I know I've got you with me
You pushed me up
When I'm about to give up;
You're on my side when no one seems to listen
And if you go,
You know the tears can't help but show
You'll break this heart and tear it apart;
Then suddenly the madness starts
It's your smile,
Your face, your lips that I miss,
Those sweet little eyes that stare at me
And make me say,
I'm with you through all the way.
'Cause it's you
Who fills the emptiness in me;
It changes ev'rything, you see,
When I know I've got you with me.
It's your smile,
Your face, your lips that I miss,
Those sweet little eyes that stare at me
And make me say,
I'm with you through all the way.
'Cause it's you
Who fills the emptiness in me;
It changes ev'rything, you see,
When I know I've got you with me
Do = C
Awalnya aku bingung dengan banyaknya oleh2 dari teman2ku baik dari dalam dan luar negeri. Bendera, baju khas, gantungan kunci, dan berbagai barang lainnya bertebaran di lemariku. Tentu aku ingin menghargai pemberian teman2ku ini. Pertanyaannya, mau diapakan benda2 ini?
Hingga akhirnya aku mendapat inspirasi. hmmmm... bagaimana kalau aku mendirikan suatu Laboratorium IPS? Seperti apa tuh maksud dan bentuknya? tahan dulu, biar kuceritakan lengkapnya.
Salah satu visiku adalah menjadi pendidik Indonesia. Aku ingin kecerdasan menjadi kemerdekaan mutlak warga Indonesia. Aku yakin bahwa pendidikan mampu meningkatkan tingkat perekonomian keluarga satu level ke atas. nah, dari visiku tersebut, aku berpikir u/ mendirikan Laboratorium IPS.
Laboratorium IPS impianku ini mencakup 5 muatan ilmu yang dipelajari: Ekonomi, Akuntansi, Sejarah, Sosiologi, dan Geografi.
Gagasannya seperti ini.. Di satu rumah/gedung terdapat 2 ruang kubus (cubicles) dan 1 ruang aula. 2 cubicles ini akan digunakan u/ laboratorium akuntansi dan laboratorium ekonomi. Ruang aula akan digunakan sebagai ruang multimedia dan presentasi.
Kalau teman2 pernah melihat papan kurs yang ada di bank, nah papan kurs itulah yang nantinya akan ada di laboratorium ekonomi. Papan kurs ini akan terupdate sesuai dengan pergerakan kurs. Ditambah terdapat berbagai contoh uang mata uang asing sehingga pembelajar dapat melakukan praktek belajar ekonomi perbankan. Simulasi transaksi bank akan diterapkan di laboratorium ini.
Aktivitas bisnis UKM tentunya akan terekam di dalam akuntansi. Nah, bersumber dari data-data keuangan bisnis UKM, pembelajar akan belajar ttg satu siklus akuntansi di laboratorium akuntansi. Agar menantang fungsi otak, pembelajar akan diberikan kasus nyata aktivitas UKM. Mengapa data UKM? 99% perekonomian Indonesia bersumber dari UKM. Namun banyak UKM menghadapi kesulitan permodalan dari luar karena terkendala laporan keuangan. Nah, disinilah para pembelajar akan belajar gimana sih caranya membuat Laporan keuangan u/UKM ? Penasaran2? saya juga penasaran nih,,hohohooh
Selebihnya adalah ruangan multimedia dan presentasi. Ruangan ini simple saja. Pembelajar akan belajar Geografi, Sejarah, dan Sosiologi dengan pendekatan praktis.
Ruangan ini akan dilapisi peta dinding u/ peta dunia dan peta Indonesia. Jadi, pembelajar bisa tau lebih jauh dimana letak2 daerah dan negara lain. Siapa tau kan suatu saat punya rencana ke luar kota atau ke luar negeri tuh..kalo butuh perencanaan keuangannya, tinggal mampir aja ke laboratorium ekonomi ^_^
bendera2 mini negara dan foto2 mereka yang pernah pergi ke daerah/negara lain juga akan dipajang. Tujuannya apa lagi kalo bukan u/ menginspirasi para pembelajar u/ menjelajah daerah atau negara lain. beberapa travel rekomendasi juga akan tertera disana. Be the active learner and explore the world!
Nah, u/ belajar sejarah, aku terinspirasi o/ National Palace Museum yang ada fasilitas komunikasi visualnya. Jadi, lukisan dan guci2 yang ada disana dibuatkan visualisasinya seperti gambar digital (kartun). Hmmmm sepertinya menarik sekali kalo para pembelajar bisa belajar sejarah keris, batik, dll dengan pendekatan visualisasi..Sepakat? Tentunya teman2 mahasiswa komunikasi digital akan melihat ini sebagai bentuk nyata kontribusi ilmu mereka bagi perkembangan pendidikan sejarah Indonesia.
lalu bagaimana cara kita belajar sosiologi dengan pendekatan praktis?
pengalamanku ketika SMA, bersama teman2ku kami melakukan riset aktivitas anak2 autis. kami rekam ke dalam video dan kami presentasikan di depan kelas. tentunya ini menjadi pembelajaran yang nyata akan kehidupan sosial bermasyarakat kita. Ide inilah yang akan kumasukan dalam laboratorium sosiologi.
Smoga saja cita2 u/ mendirikan laboratorium IPS ini tidak padam. Tentunya, tambahan ide dan masukan maupun kritikan dibutuhkan agar cita2 ini lebih realistis.
Minta komentarnya yaa teman2 :D
Jakarta, 24 Sept 2010, 3 : 29 pm
Dear my friends,
This note is dedicated for you as potential candidates for YLI Kampus Program 2011 ^_^
YLI Kampus Program is a comprehensive program lead by Mc Kinsey & Company for final year students to inspire them with a vision for how they can make a difference to
“If you expect to get leadership training and networking, sorry I should say : WE GIVE YOU MORE.”
YLI Kampus Program provides leadership training and execution, inspirations from Indonesia Young Leaders and high performing students across Indonesia, coaching from proven leaders, materials needed, broaden network consist of education, business, and government, communities, even EXCELLENT services.
From my experience join YLI Kampus Program 2010, I met top leaders of
Besides, YLI Kampus Program provides you leadership training for answering society’s needs nowadays. Thanks God I got opportunity to give contributions in
I believe there are more stories I can share to you guys ^_^ But the point is YOU !
Yes, I want YOU to have the same experiences like me! In 2010 we have 4 Brawijaya University Students involved in YLI Kampus 2011. Why only 4 students? Cause there is information asymmetry among us. So, trough this note I hope we can solve the information asymmetry and bigger exposure for YLI Kampus Program.
My aspiration is we have at least 8 Brawijaya University Students join YLI Kampus 2011. I believe you have these 3 criterias : excellent academic score (GPA > 3.3), demonstrated leadership, and passionate to bring
Prepare 1 essay about Leadership and 1 page of CV. (dateline 7 November 2010).
If you need to discuss more or consult for better essay and CV, just drop a call or SMS to me at 0856 640 75 795. Good luck !
Do = C
The journey has arrived in the harbour of hopes. i call it : This is it !
i walk closer to achieve my vision being the Global Auditor. At least 1 cm is achieved each day. As long as I appreciate the accumulated learnings got, then I believe 1 cm passed is my progress in life.
The story began when Anin, Enyak, Ginting, Kanti, and me have a gold ticket to work in Ernst & Young. It's fully glory to God. When people ask me,"how lucky you are having no test to work in E&Y.." then I always giving this statement, " the thing is, I did my selection to be in accounting firm since 4 years ago during my study in uni. That's my accomplishment!"
Now 1 month left..
Start with 2 weeks training. 1 week in office and another week in Alpha Resourt Puncak.
During those days I gain much learning from people around me. They said working in E&Y is closer to study accounting and auditing through practical approach. This place is the most sources of learning as the accounting firm. That's a pity if you do not proactively explore your knowleadge and skills here! hmmm sounds great!
The next week, I was appointed to be in Oil, Mining, and Tellecommunication (OMT) Divison. Then I met all my complete team. Yes, they are really diverse and nice people! hehe
They will sincerely give me clear explanation when I face doubt or confusion.
I believe working is pay off : there's something we pay for, there's something we gain.
Starting my work, surprisingly, I never arrive home before 11 pm. hahaha
My record so far is 2 days stayed in office without bathing and few hours to sleep. hahaha!
Now I know why the retention rate is accounting firm is soooo high! :p
But above from all pains, I should strategically take the learning.
I'm excited to experience more and more. Build my self to be the real Global Auditor.
So, the story of my learning will colorfully written in this blog.
Wait for it! :)
----to be continued---
Do = C
Back to hometown for arranging SKCK... That's my primary objective going home. Surprisingly I got more than I expected.
Saturday, 22 May 2010 : Matarmaja Train (Malang to Bekasi) --- sat with Tifany Idol's Father.. He talked alot about her pride daughter,,I can see from his eye, he is really proud as a father. ---
My learning points :
a. Parent defines happiness as happiness for their children, not focus on self satisfaction.
b. Parent do sacrificed anything for child's growth...Amazing !
c. See the eyes of parents to see the hope of life..
Sunday, 23 May 2010 : Home, quality discussion w/ parent + amanguda --- We discussed about my future plan and asked permission for my next chosen career--- My learning points:
a. Parent will support us if we have sharp long term plan in life
b. Accommodate many interests for one decision
c. Be brave! Competition has begun!
Monday, 24 may 2010 : Camat Building + Police Building --- Damn angry w/ the 'pungli' in governmental sector,,what a world???---
My learning points:
a. Life is sometimes sucks! Beautiful is not singular meaning
b. Show our integrity
c. System play big role in changing era
Tuesday, 25 May 2010 : Matarmaja (bekasi-Malang) --- Going back to Malang, canceled meeting girlfriend, sat w/ inspiring old couples---
My learning points:
a. do not judge the book by its cover..explore what inside!
b. do investment + saving!
c. do strategies in life
well, I appreciate my learnings ^_^ Let's act!
Do = C
"This is my passion!"
"I dont take that opportunity coz my passion is not there."
Passion, what is it?
I read a journal today about passion,,
Passion is about three things :
a. fulfillment : believe that we will fulfill our potential by taking that opportunity.
b. passionate execution : comes from our heart to do/execute something.
c. significant contribution : we believe our contribution is extremely realized by others..
So, that's about passion..
refer to what i believe, we need to demonstrate our passion on something,,
being not popular by taking alternative choice based on passion is our value!
make our life valuable through demonstrating our passion.
-i d o n t w a n n a d i e i n my y o u n g a g e-
Do = C
I know I have to make decision for my next career path..
i realize I have decided to be the alternative person, not following mainstream..
I really understand my focus in life : teaching, international, and accounting.
Now I know that making decision needs wise considerations..
What comes in your mind when you graduate?
- Continue your study for master degree or language course?
- Apply working in MNC or Governmental Sectors?
- married? hoho
That's the common people choose as decision :) (especially in Indonesia)
How about this idea?
Teaching in rural area for 1 year?
I was thinking to take this opportunity at that time n ty to forget this thing..
but i do not know why this idea stay in my head and go down to my heart,,
Is this what people call with heart calling? (panggilan hati maksudnya :p )
i know i'm damly interested to teach others, transfering knowledge + at the same time fullfiling others potential :)
i realize i have to drive my own life, but the question is ; "will my lovely people around me (I call them ANGELS : parent, siblings, girlfriend, friends) support me?"
Im fully understood that It take cost (1 year gituuu loh), but at the same time it makes me more valuable as SOMEONE.
Yes Martin! As one of my mentor (Jennielie) said to me I lost 2 times leadership opportunities n need courage to look longer vision, I should believe to my VISION in Life.
Time to communicate my vision to my lovely angels in life..
God, please enlighten me ^_^
Do = C
I believe everyone will face the transition time when we have achieved one step in our life. Need time to consider where we will put our next feet.
That's what I experience now. I am in the transition phase, the time to decide where will I go to achieve my future..
I was graduated in April 26, 2010 (2 weeks ago)..
I am really happy to finish my study,,hoho
then, the question is "What Next?"
-Malang, EXCELLENT Office-
what a life!
the sweet funny girl is teaching me on how to use blog + add some gadgets,,hoho
her name is Meng :)
thank you Meng for facilitating me,,,
Enjoy Life ^_^
Hi all...
I start my journey in this blog with sharing my perspective about life.
What life means to me?
Life is FILES.
We make our own book of life, consist of inspiring-memorable page per page :)
That's what a call with files!
I want to make every pages of my files with colorful, when anyone read by book of life, they will get inspiration + do something positive ^_^
Life is GIFT.
I like the quote, "Hidup itu BERAT atau BERKAT?" I decide hidup itu BERKAT.
Why a gift?
Let's imagine ! Do you think God sent us to this world for no reason?
I believe God has a mission in everyone presence.
I believe our presence is a GIFT for the people around us. We contribute something for better world, don't we?
Can you imagine, even in the conception, we were struggling with others' "potential" to be chosen. thanks Mom for winning my "potential",,hehe
Anyway, I realize we need to compete with others and our own self to survive.
Let's create our own life, drive our own self, and share our vision to others.
My Vision of Life is to serve others sincerely. Will you support me?
Malang, May 11, 2010 (9 : 23 p.m)-Martin-